Re: [xsl] Reflecting on: csv data to xml

Subject: Re: [xsl] Reflecting on: csv data to xml
From: Adam Retter <adam.retter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 11:57:42 +0300
On 2 July 2013 11:21, davep <davep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 01/07/13 09:36, Adam Retter wrote:
>> we have built as open source a CSV Validation tool.
>> The CSV Validation tool consists of a specification for a simple text
>> grammar that describes the format of a CSV file and rules that are
>> asserted against the CSV file. It also includes an implementation for
>> the JVM (in Scala, we also provide a Java API) which takes such a
>> grammar and CSV file and  performs the validation, reporting all
>> non-validating issues or pass. The tool is available here
>> It should be considered beta, i.e. we
>> are using it internally but until now it has not been publicised. In
>> addition documentation is missing but the EBNF file in the source repo
>> describes the grammar, and running the tool without arguments gives
>> you the simple command line useage. I hope documentation will follow
>> shortly, in the mean time issues etc should be aimed at the Github
>> repo.
> Thanks Adam, looks very useful. quick question please,
> what of disparate line lengths? Are they considered 'valid'?

I assume you mean can you have rows with different numbers of columns?
At present no, although it could be considered in future.

> The other nasty is embedded quotes, if using quotes or comma if using them?

We try and adhere to RFC 4180 here and there are couple of global
directives in the grammar which allow you to adjust the column

> regards
> --
> Dave Pawson

Adam Retter

skype: adam.retter
tweet: adamretter

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