[xsl] Return the string that matches earliest -- Got a slick XPath expression that solves this?

Subject: [xsl] Return the string that matches earliest -- Got a slick XPath expression that solves this?
From: "Costello, Roger L." <costello@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 17:32:02 +0000
Hi Folks,

I have a pattern matching problem. It is explained easiest with an example.

	Here is a string: aabQc
	Let's call it the sentential string.
	Do any of the following strings occur in
	the sentential string:
	Let's call those strings the LHS strings.
	Clearly both LHS strings are contained
	in the sentential string. But bQc occurs
	earlier, so that is the correct answer.

Problem: Given a sentential string and a sequence of LHS strings, return the
LHS string that occurs earliest in the sentential string. If multiple LHS
strings occur earliest then return them all. Let $sentential be the sentential
string and $LHS be a sequence of one or more LHS strings.

I'll bet there's a slick XPath expression that solves this problem.

Would you provide an XPath expression that solves this pattern matching
problem please?


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