Re: [xsl] Unwanted namespace prefix _0

Subject: Re: [xsl] Unwanted namespace prefix _0
From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 21:39:27 +0000
To debug your code, we need to see your code.

Saxon generates a namespace prefix of the form "_0" in certain unusual
circumstances when it is necessary to avoid binding the same prefix to two
different URIs. To understand why this is happening for your stylesheet, I
would need to see the (relevant part of) the stylesheet.

Michael Kay

On 23 Dec 2013, at 16:16, Martin Holmes <mholmes@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm doing an identity transform with Saxon (HE, PE and EE all do the
same) on a TEI file with embedded examples in the Examples namespace:
> <TEI xmlns=""; version="5.0">
> [...]
> <div>
> <egXML xmlns=""; valid="true">
>  For more information, consult the
>  <ref target="mol:linking#linking_graphics"> guide to
>  linking graphic content</ref>.</egXML>
> </div>
> [...]
> </TEI>
> In the output, Saxon generates unwanted namespace prefixes, like this:
> <_0:egXML xmlns:_0=""; valid="true">
>  For more information, consult the
>  <_0:ref target="mol:linking#linking_graphics"> guide to
>  linking graphic content</_0:ref>.</_0:egXML>
> This is even though I have exclude-result-prefixes="#all", and it happens
whether or not I define a prefix in the root stylesheet element for the
Examples namespace.
> What am I missing? How would I get output that looks exactly like the
> Cheers,
> martin

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