Re: [xsl] Can't get expath-file functions to work in Saxon 9.5 PE

Subject: Re: [xsl] Can't get expath-file functions to work in Saxon 9.5 PE
From: Graydon <graydon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 16:48:13 -0500
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 01:37:00PM -0800, Martin Holmes scripsit:
> Hi there,
> I'm using Saxon PE in Oxygen 15.2 with XSLT 2.0. I'm trying
> to use the expath-file functions, which the documentation says are
> available. This is a simple version of what I'm trying:
>  ...xmlns:expath-file="";...


is currently not giving me that error.

Disturbingly, file:exists() is returning true about a file that isn't
showing up in a directory that isn't there on the file system, so I've
clearly got a ways to go with this, but I think that's the correct
namespace so far as Oxygen is concerned.  (Though I am using XSLT 3.0).

-- Graydon

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