[xsl] Kosher XSLT 3.0 numbering solution?

Subject: [xsl] Kosher XSLT 3.0 numbering solution?
From: "David Sewell dsewell@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 13:50:44 -0000
I have a numbering task that is trivially easy to handle using an XSLT extension that permits modification of global variables (such as saxon:assign) but which is harder to accomplish via pure XSLT. I don't *need* to accomplish this as I have code that works fine, but I'm just curious about alternate solutions.

I have an XML file representing the contents of a printed book. I need to add page break indicators that carry the page numeration, e.g. <pb n="51"/>. Because I'm lazy, I just want to plug in empty markers and then run a script to add the numeration.

This would be a straightforward job for xsl:number if all pagination was sequential. However, parts of the book are commented out, so there may be a page jump from say page 11 to page 30. In a case like that, I will insert <pb n="30"/> to provide a hard-coded indication of the number. That makes use of xsl:number more complicated. The solution via updates to a global variable is simple, along the lines of

  <xsl:variable name="bodyPageNo" select="0" as="xs:integer" saxon:assignable="yes"/>
  <xsl:template match="pb">
    <xsl:variable name="pageNumber">
       <saxon:assign name="bodyPageNo" select="
          if (@n) then xs:integer(@n) else $bodyPageNo + 1
       <xsl:value-of select="$bodyPageNo"/>

If I avoid saxon:assign, I don't see any way around some moderately messy brute-force calculation in the <pb> template to identify the closest preceding <pb> element with an @n value (if any), and use that value plus the number of intervening <pb> elements to assign a numeration to the current element. Does anything jump out as a more elegant approach?


-- David Sewell Manager of Digital Initiatives The University of Virginia Press Email: dsewell@xxxxxxxxxxxx Tel: +1 434 924 9973 Web: http://www.upress.virginia.edu/rotunda

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