[xsl] Handling position in non-atomic sequences

Subject: [xsl] Handling position in non-atomic sequences
From: "Michael Müller-Hillebrand mmh@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 2 May 2020 10:52:17 -0000
Hi folks,

if a sequence stored in a variable consists of elements, we can not use the
nice function index-of().

Also, if the variable is typed as="element()*" I cannot use the axes
preceding-sibling or following-sibling. I can solve that by not typing the
variable or use  as="document-node()" after adding <xsl:document> to the
variable's sequence constructor.

My current solution finding the position of the first <h1> in a sequence would
be something like:

count($seq/h1[1]/preceding-sibling::*) + 1

with $seq being a sequence typed as document-node().

Are there better methods to get the position of a certain element in the

In my scenario I collect a certain set of elements using xsl:copy-of and want
to process them in the context of that sequence (regarding position) and not
in the context of their original document location.

Thanks a lot for any pointers,

- Michael

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