Re: [xsl] Stylesheet parameters and packages?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Stylesheet parameters and packages?
From: "Martin Honnen martin.honnen@xxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2020 21:13:28 -0000
On 07.06.2020 19:40, David Birnbaum djbpitt@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

Is there a rule of thumb for managing stylesheet parameters when using
a package hierarchy, that is, in situations where packages use other
packages? I would like to set a $debug parameter in all packages, both
the lowest-level collections of user-defined functions and the
higher-level packages that import those libraries, and that are then
imported, themselves, by other stylesheets. But as I fiddle with the
options, either I am notified by the mid-level package that a
parameter has not been declared there (even though it is declared in a
lower-level package that I am using in the mid-level one, and the XSLT
3.0 spec tells me that stylesheet parameters are obligatorily public)
or, when I declare the parameter in the mid-level package, that it
conflicts with the lower-level declaration. In case this is helpful,
the point of the $debug parameter is that I want to write diagnostic
messages to stderr using <xsl:message> B when the $debug parameter
value is true, and I need to be able to generate messages of this sort
from both the low-level and mid-level packages.

Is that XSLT 3 packages? It might help if you show minimal examples generating those problems, together with an explanation of the XSLT 3 processor you use.

The simplest samples I could come up with a three packages package1.xsl, package2.xsl, package3.xsl

<xsl:package B B B name=""; B B B package-version="1.0" B B B xmlns:xsl=""; B B B xmlns:xs=""; B B B exclude-result-prefixes="#all" B B B version="3.0">

B B B <xsl:param name="debug" as="xs:boolean" select="true()" />


<xsl:package B B B name=""; B B B package-version="1.0" B B B xmlns:xsl=""; B B B xmlns:xs=""; B B B exclude-result-prefixes="#all" B B B version="3.0">

B B B <xsl:use-package name=""; version="1.0"/>

B B B  <xsl:template name="xsl:initial-template" visibility="public">
B B B B B B B  <xsl:value-of select="$debug"/>
B B B  </xsl:template>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
B B B  name="";
B B B  package-version="1.0"
B B B  xmlns:xsl="";
B B B  xmlns:xs="";
B B B  exclude-result-prefixes="#all"
B B B  version="3.0">

B B B  <xsl:use-package name=""; version="1.0">
B B B B B B B  <xsl:accept component="template" names="*"
B B B  </xsl:use-package>


I can run both package2.xsl or package3.xsl with Saxon 10 from the command line and the value of the parameter declared in package1.xsl is output. I have to use the option lib:package1.xsl when running package2.xsl and the option lib:"package1.xsl;package2.xsl" when running package3.xsl. For simplicity I have also not used an input document but used the option -it to run that template named xsl:initial-template in package2.xsl.

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