Re: [xsl] Using xsl:iterate inside <xsl:for-each-group> xslt 3.0

Subject: Re: [xsl] Using xsl:iterate inside <xsl:for-each-group> xslt 3.0
From: "Martin Honnen martin.honnen@xxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2020 15:18:25 -0000
Am 18.08.2020 um 16:09 schrieb Terry Ofner tdofner@xxxxxxxxx:
Is it possible to reference elements in p[@class=bnlb] (to the left of
the ! $groups) in the iterate? Or to pass a parameter including the item
number of the p[@class=bnlb] to the iterate. The selected node of the
iterate is <p=class=bDirectionsb>.

<xsl:template match="set[p[@class = 'nl']]">

B B B <xsl:variable name="groups" as="map(xs:string, element())*">
B B B B B <xsl:for-each-group select="p[@class = 'directions']/*"
group-starting-with="span[@class = 'letter']">
B B B B B B B <xsl:sequence select="map { 'letter' : ., 'term' :
current-group()[2] }"/>
B B B B B </xsl:for-each-group>
B B B </xsl:variable>

B B B <write_choices>
B B B B B <xsl:iterate select="p[@class = 'nl'] ! $groups">

If you need the item on the left side of ! then include it in a merged group, for instance

       <xsl:iterate select="p[@class = 'nl'] ! map:merge(($groups, map
{ 'p' : . }))">

then the expression ?p inside the iterate selects the property named "p"
of the map which holds the "p" element.

The map functions are in the namespace so you need to declare e.g.
xmlns:map=""; in your
stylesheet to use map:merge.

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