[xsl] [ANN] upcoming courses on XSLT 3, Accessibility, Schematron, CSS, XProc (did i leave anything out?)

Subject: [xsl] [ANN] upcoming courses on XSLT 3, Accessibility, Schematron, CSS, XProc (did i leave anything out?)
From: "Liam R. E. Quin liam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 00:33:30 -0000
Upcoming courses from Delightful Computing, delivered with live video
from Pointy Bracket Farm in rural South-East Ontario...

The courses are mostly scheduled on demand, so feel free to contact me;
if someone has booked a course at a particular date, i'll advertise
those dates. The courses are for you, and i don't need to travel, so
tell me when you want them. In some cases i need notice, for example so
i can move other commitments.

* XSLT Two to Three: XSLT 3 for people already using XSLT 2
  This covers all of the main new features in XSLT 3, and the
  most useful in depth, ranging from  { text value templates }
  through to inline functions(), from new functions() and data
  types to JSON support, all the way up to higher-order functions
  and higher-order XSLT: fn:transform90 and load-query-module().
  This is a two-day course and will give you confidence also in
  consulting the specifications and in learning more.
  (available at any time)

* XSLT Three Streaming
  This builds on XSLT Two to Three, but you can take it
  separately if you prefer. XSLT streaming is about
  processing documents that don't fit in memory, about
  new features introduced to make that easier, and about
  some new features that were made fo streaming but are
  generally very useful even outside streaming.
  One day course.
  (available at any time)

* XSLT two and three for XSLT One Users
  one day booster. I'd suggest taking this the week
  before coming to XSLT Two to Three if you are not
  actively using XSLT 2 or 3 already.
  It's a different language - based on sequences of
  typed data. And you can do so much more.
  This one-day booster will show you the changes and
  get you in the mood for more; a complete XSLT 2
  course would be a full week long, but you can be
  up and productive much more quickly because we
  focus on the most important changes. Grouping!
  replace() and analyze-string! And more!
  One day.

* The Accessible Web, for XML people (January)
  Whether you make Web sites from XSLT or XQuery,
  you have large documents, or work on the same
  text over time, or have lots of third party
  content such as journal articles, and you have to meet
  legislation such as Section 508, WCAG 2 AA, or others,
  or you are a decent human being and want your Web site
  to work for as many people as possible.
  I'm currently planning this as a two-day course but i
  could also do a one-day version.
  (available at any time starting in the second half of
  January, but i need a week's notice)

* Introduction to Schematron and XTest
  One day, for people already using XSLT or XQuery.
  Available at any time after Jan 1st

* Advanced Schematron
  Three days! Wow!  This is the successor to the Mulberry course;
  it's a little higher level to make it work for remote training/
  Available starting in February but i need a week's notice.

* CSS for XML People
  Covers CSS for print, as well as basic CSS principles,
  review of some available formatters, XSLT and XQuery features
  for working with CSS and HTML, formatting MathML,
  special characters, Web fonts, tables of contents,
  running headers and dancing feet, and so much more!
  Wow this is fun!
  Available at any time, but i need a few days' notice.

* XProc Three, it's the pipeline language for me!
  Three glorious, fabulous, wonderful days. 
  Available in February or March; this will partly depend
  on whether Calabash 3 is released.

Some shorter sessions:

* How the Web Really Works
  From TCP/IP and HTTP to CSS, from CORS to
  Lightspeed and Core Web Values such as
  internationalization and accessibility.
  Come to this half-day zoominar on jutsi to see
  just how things fit together.

  December onwards.

* Image processing with free (and libre) tools
  Editing images; resizing; how images are represented
  in the computer and why a pixel isn't a real unit;
  colour management; resizing in scripts; when to use
  vector programs; is webp what happens when your
  browser gets too excited?
  Another half-day zoominar on jitsi.
  Tools: GIMP, Inkscape, Imagemagick, netpbm and

  December onwards.


Liam Quin,B https://www.delightfulcomputing.com/
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
Barefoot Web-slave, antique illustrations: B http://www.fromoldbooks.org

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