[xsl] How to use parse-xml-fragment with a string that contains a less-than symbol (and the less-than symbol is not part of a start- or end-tag)?

Subject: [xsl] How to use parse-xml-fragment with a string that contains a less-than symbol (and the less-than symbol is not part of a start- or end-tag)?
From: "Roger L Costello costello@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 17:30:46 -0000
Hi Folks,

I want to parse, as XML, the contents of this comment:

<!--abc<style>hello, world</style>def-->

The contents of that comment is not well-formed XML, so I extracted the
contents and placed a <wrapper> element around it:

<xsl:variable name="wrapped-comment" as="xs:string">
    <xsl:value-of select="concat('&lt;wrapper&gt;', comment()/data(),

Then I applied parse-xml-fragment to the variable:

<xsl:sequence select="parse-xml-fragment($wrapped-comment)" />

That produced the desired result:

<wrapper>abc<style>hello, world</style>def</wrapper>


Pretty cool. (Thanks Martin)

However, the actual comment that I have contains some nastiness: after the
<style> end-tag is this string: <![endif]

So, the actual comment is this:

<!--abc<style>hello, world</style><![endif]-->


When I apply parse-xml-fragment (after wrapping the comment's content in a
<wrapper> element) I get this error:

   First argument to parse-xml-fragment() is not a well-formed
   and namespace-well-formed XML fragment.

That makes perfect sense since the unescaped '<' at the end of the comment is
causing problems.

Is there an elegant, simple solution to this problem, without manually
changing <![endif] to &lt;![endif]?


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