Re: [xsl] test for ancestral attribute returning variant results

Subject: Re: [xsl] test for ancestral attribute returning variant results
From: "Dimitre Novatchev dnovatchev@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2021 19:02:58 -0000
Haven't gone deep into this (and after a single reading I am not sure I
understand what is the alleged problem at all), but at a glance it seems
quite possible that the use of the "!=" operator may be the culprit of some
unexpected behavior.

 My advice is to always use the not() function instead of the "!="
operator, unless one is absolutely certain "!=" is really needed.


On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 10:42 AM Trevor Nicholls trevor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <
xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi
> (What follows is XSL 2.0 and the processor I am using is Saxon, I have
> tried with Saxon versions 8.7.3, 9.9 and 10.0 and all exhibit the same
> behaviour.)
> I am at a complete loss to explain why this is happening.
> My XML documents conform to a schema which allows many elements to have a
> 'version' attribute. An element's version serves as a default for all
> descendants, although it can be overridden on any descendant subtree by
> another version on the descendant node. In many cases an element will have
> an unnecessary version specified (because it is the same as the nearest
> ancestral version).
> I have a named template (versiontest) which is called on elements to
> construct a version callout in the margin. The version should appear if it
> is different to that of the parent, or if the ancestral element with the
> same version appears on an earlier page.
> My problem is that this template is generating different output depending
> on the size of the containing document.
> Here's the pertinent XML fragment:
> <note version="8.00">
>   <para version="8.00">blah blah blah.</para>
>   <para version="8.00">blah blah blah.</para>
> </note>
> The para versions are superfluous, and their presence triggers the
> problem, but (a) these documents are not created by me, (b) my code should
> cope with superfluous versions anyway, and (c) my code works in smaller
> documents.
> This is the versiontest template, it should either generate nothing or
> output a version string. I've added a few debug lines which I hoped would
> clarify the situation (spoiler alert, they don't).
> <xsl:template name="versiontest">
> <!--
>   -- @version is this node's version
>   -- $ancvers is the nearest ancestral version, found on node $ancv
>   -- the nearest ancestral page break is on node $ancpg
>   -- $versdepth is the depth of $ancv from the root
>   -- $pgdepth is the depth of $ancpg from the root
>   -- We output the version IF @version is different to $ancvers,
>   -- OR IF @version matches $ancvers but $versdepth is less than $pgdepth
>   -- Note: if versdepth > pgdepth then the version will have appeared
> earlier in the page,
>   -- if versdepth < pgdepth then it will have appeared on a previous page,
>   -- while if versdepth = pgdepth then the version will appear at the top
> of the current page
> -- >
> <!-- DEBUG 1
>   <xsl:message select="concat('1 element=', local-name(), ', version=',
> @version)" />
> END DEBUG 1 -- >
>   <xsl:variable name="ancv" select=ancestor::*[@version][1]" />
>   <xsl:variable name="ancvers" select="$ancv/@version" />
>   <xsl:variable name="ancpg" select="ancestor::*[local-name() = 'section'
> and @break='Y'][1]" />
>   <xsl:variable name="versdepth">
>     <xsl:for-each select="$ancv">
>       <xsl:value-of select="count(ancestor-or-self::*)" />
>     </xsl:for-each>
>   </xsl:variable>
>   <xsl:variable name="pgdepth">
>     <xsl:for-each select="$ancpg">
>       <xsl:value-of select="count(ancestor-or-self::*)" />
>     </xsl:for-each>
>   </xsl:variable>
> <!-- DEBUG 2
>    <xsl:message>
>      <xsl:value-of select="concat('2 ancvers=', $ancvers, ', versdepth=',
> $versdepth, ', pgdepth=', $pgdepth)" />
>      <xsl:value-of select="concat('[', count(ancestor::*[@version]), ':
> ')" />
>     <xsl:for-each select="ancestor::*[@version]">
>     <xsl:value-of select="concat('(', ./@version, ')')" />
>    </xsl:for-each>
>    <xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
>   </xsl:message>
> END DEBUG 2 -- >
>   <xsl:if test="@version != ''">
>     <xsl:if test="@version != $ancvers or not($versdepth > $pgdepth)">
> <!-- DEBUG 3
>   <xsl:message select="concat('3 output version=', @version)" />
>       <xsl:value-of select="@version" />
>     </xsl:if>
>   </xsl:if>
> <xsl:template>
> In a smallish document, the versiontest template outputs "8.00" for the
> note element and nothing for the para elements. In a large document it
> outputs "8.00" for all three elements.
> With the debug statements included, the small document generates these
> messages
> 1 element=note, version=8.00
> 2 ancvers=, versdepth=, pgdepth=3 [0:]
> 3 output version=8.00
> 1 element=para, version=8.00
> 2 ancvers=8.00, versdepth=5, pgdepth=3 [1: (8.00)]
> 1 element=para, version=8.00
> 2 ancvers=8.00, versdepth=5, pgdepth=3 [1: (8.00)]
> I wondered if the larger document might include earlier "versioned"
> subtrees that triggered a flaw in my logic, but evidently not. If this was
> the cause, there would be more versions listed in the message labelled
> DEBUG 2.
> The large document generates these messages
> 1 element=note, version=8.00
> 2 ancvers=, versdepth=, pgdepth=8 [0:]
> 3 output version=8.00
> 1 element=para, version=8.00
> 2 ancvers=8.00, versdepth=10, pgdepth=8 [1: (8.00)]
> 3 output version=8.00
> 1 element=para, version=8.00
> 2 ancvers=8.00, versdepth=10, pgdepth=8 [1: (8.00)]
> 3 output version=8.00
> I can't see where the tests between DEBUG 2 and DEBUG 3 are going wrong;
> certainly if you plug in the values reported in the messages then the
> results should be those reported in the smaller documents, not what I'm
> actually seeing.
> I'm hoping there's a flaw in my logic which is obvious to a more
> experienced eye, but I'm afraid I can't see it myself.
> You're going to ask for a small failing test case; unfortunately there
> isn't one :-(
> Cheers
> T
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Dimitre Novatchev
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk
Never fight an inanimate object
To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the
biggest mistake of all
Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.
You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what
you're doing is work or play
To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Typing monkeys will write all Shakespeare's works in 200yrs.Will they write
all patents, too? :)
Sanity is madness put to good use.
I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.

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