Re: [xsl] DITA tables to SVG

Subject: Re: [xsl] DITA tables to SVG
From: "Paul Tyson phtyson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2022 00:02:04 -0000
An interesting problem! But it doesn't seem like a schema problem. Where 
are you doing table layout? Do you need to preserve any of the original 
table structure in the svg, or do you just need a nice rendering of the 
table? If your svg viewer will display embedded HTML tables, that would 
be an easy way.

If you want high-quality typeset tables, then putting the tables into 
xsl-fo seems like a good first step. The DITA Open Toolkit ( 
could help with that, if you don't have another favorite DITA processor 
or don't want to write your own xslt for it.

I don't know of an xslfo2svg engine, but I don't keep up with that area. 
If I were looking for open-source components to put together a toolchain 
for this I would consider xml -> xslt -> xslfo -> LaTeX -> svg.

This could potentially give very good table renditions, but probably 
would not preserve any of the original table structure in the svg. If 
that is a requirement, another approach is wanted.

If javascript is an option, d3 ( is worth looking at, but 
teaching it to understand DITA (in full generality) might be challenging.



On 2/25/22 11:26, rick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> HI All,
> I have a series of DITA tables that I would like to convert to SVG. Is 
> there a schema for SVG tabular data that I could use to create a 
> stylesheet? Thank you.
> Rick
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