Re: [xsl] Including precediing-siblings with the first group

Subject: Re: [xsl] Including precediing-siblings with the first group
From: "Martin Honnen martin.honnen@xxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 14:56:48 -0000
Am 18.08.2022 um 16:27 schrieb rick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> I have an input file that I want to split into files at each section.
> The first section should include everything before it. Below are my
> input, desired output, and stylesheet. I am pretty sure this is the
> simplest approach, but any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Rick
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <chapter id="Assault_gd1g1l1027760">
> B B B  <title>Transferred Intent</title>
> B B B  <toc/>
> B B B  <para/>
> B B B  <section id="GI_gd1g1o1030579">
> B B B B B B B  <title>General Comments</title>
> B B B B B B B  <para>General comments here</para>
> B B B  </section>
> B B B  <section id="GI_gd1g1p1030593">
> <title>InstructionbTransferred IntentbDifferent Offense</title>
> B B B B B B B  <para>Instructions here</para>
> B B B  </section>
> B B B  <section id="GI_gd1g1q1030657">
> <title>InstructionbTransferred IntentbDifferent Person or
> Propertyo?=</title>
> B B B B B B B  <para>More instructions here</para>
> B B B  </section>
> </chapter>

Is the content of chapter always some unknown elements plus a sequence
of section elements?

In that case you could of course also simply map section to file
elements with e.g.

 B <xsl:template match="section">
 B  <file>
 B B B  <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
 B  </file>

<xsl:template match="section[1]">
 B  <file>
 B B B  <xsl:copy-of select="preceding-sibling::*, ."/>
 B  </file>

<xsl:template match="chapter/*[not(self::section)]"/>

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