Re: [xsl] Checking if a variable has a value

Subject: Re: [xsl] Checking if a variable has a value
From: "Martin Honnen martin.honnen@xxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 11:10:24 -0000
Am 8/31/2022 um 10:26 AM schrieb Jean-Paul Rehr rehrjb@xxxxxxxxx:
>A variable always has a value.

I'm trying to reconcile this statement with Xquery, which I use more

In Xquery the following returns false:

let $x := ()
B  B  B  if (exists($x)) then true() else false()

Are you stating that the equivalent cannot happen in XSL variables?
I'm asking this mostly because I've not had the need to explore this
until now and am ignorant about it.

That variable $x does have a value, the value is the empty sequence. I think with most people trying to write some check for a null/undefined or non-existing variable value in XSLT/XQuery/XPath there is no clear definition of what kind of value a variable can have and for which kind of values to check.

As for an XQuery variable that might not be bound to a value, if you have e.g.

declare variable $x external;

and on running the XQuery program with code like

B exists($x)

without providing a value for x, you will get (at least from Saxon) an
error like "No value supplied for required parameter $x".

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