[xsl] Regular expression to exclude files

Subject: [xsl] Regular expression to exclude files
From: "Eliot Kimber eliot.kimber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2023 20:30:32 -0000
Im using Saxons collection() extension that lets you specify a regular
expression to select files within a directory. These are XPath regular
expressions so my question is I think a general XPath question.

I want to match all files with a given extension except those that start with
foo or bar.

I think the Perl expression would be something like:


Using this little XQuery:

let $strings as xs:string* := ('bundle-aaaa.ditamap',
'publication_pub-one.ditamap', 'not-pub-or-bundle.ditamap', 'atopic.dita')
count($strings[matches(., '.?!(bundle-|publication_).+\.ditamap')])

I get zero results, while this:

let $strings as xs:string* := ('bundle-aaaa.ditamap',
'publication_pub-one.ditamap', 'not-pub-or-bundle.ditamap', 'atopic.dita')
count($strings[matches(., '.+\.ditamap')]

Returns the expected 3

Reading the XSD regular expression spec I did not see an obvious way to
specify this kind of negative match but I also find the XSD specification to
be almost impenetrably difficult to decode.

Is there a way to do this with regular expressions alone?

I want a pure regex solution because Im using it in the context of an Oxygen
xpath_eval() call so its not easy (but not impossible) to filter the files
returned by the collection() call (Im using the metadata=yes form since I
want the file names, not the parsed docs in this context).


Eliot Kimber
Sr Staff Content Engineer
O: 512 554 9368
M: 512 554 9368
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