Re: [xsl] inserting a child element while honoring the parent element's content model

Subject: Re: [xsl] inserting a child element while honoring the parent element's content model
From: "Lizzi, Vincent vincent.lizzi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 21:03:16 -0000
Hi Chris,

The idea was from Rick Jelliffe, although I donbt have the exact citation
now. Here is a small example:

A content model expressed in a RelaxNG-like syntax:

               <element name="on-behalf-of"/>
               <element name="contrib"/>
                  <element name="aff"/>
                  <element name="aff-alternatives"/>
                  <element name="bio"/>
                  <element name="etal"/>

This content model is transformed by XSLT into Schematron. This implementation
ignores namespaces because it wasnbt a requirement at the time, but it is
certainly possible to extend this implementation to support namespaces.

      <sch:rule context="contrib-group">
         <sch:extends rule="JATS-0045-002a"/>
      <sch:rule abstract="true" id="JATS-0045-002a">
         <sch:let name="sequence"
                  value="string-join(for $n in node() return if ($n instance
of element()) then local-name($n) else if ($n instance of text() and
normalize-space($n)) then '#PCDATA' else (), ',')"/>
         <sch:let name="allowed"
         <sch:let name="model-regex"
         <sch:let name="model-text"
                  value="'(on-behalf-of)?, (contrib)+, ((aff |
aff-alternatives | bio | etal))*'"/>
         <sch:assert test="matches($sequence, $model-regex)"
                     role="error">contrib-group <sch:value-of select="for $i
in tokenize($sequence, ',') return if (not($i = $allowed)) then
concat('Unexpected ', $i, '. ') else ()"/>Content of element <sch:name/>
(<sch:value-of select="replace($sequence, ',', ', ')"/>) does not match model
(<sch:value-of select="$model-text"/>)</sch:assert>

Here is an example of an error message:

contrib-group Unexpected bio. Content of element contrib-group (bio, contrib,
contrib, contrib, contrib, contrib, contrib, contrib, contrib, aff, aff, aff,
aff, aff, aff, aff, aff, bio, bio, bio, bio, bio, bio, bio, bio) does not
match model ((on-behalf-of)?, (contrib)+, ((aff | aff-alternatives | bio |


Vincent M. Lizzi
Head of Information Standards | Taylor & Francis Group

From: Chris Papademetrious christopher.papademetrious@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 3:38 PM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [xsl] inserting a child element while honoring the parent
element's content model

Hi Vincent, Wendell,

I am interested in understanding how regular expressions are used to
check/enforce content models. Could you help me understand this, perhaps with
a simple example?

  *   Chris

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