[xsl] [XSL 3.0] Function that check if a xs:string can be converted as a xs:double

Subject: [xsl] [XSL 3.0] Function that check if a xs:string can be converted as a xs:double
From: "Christophe Marchand cmarchand@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 11:57:45 -0000
Hello !

I have to write a function taht take a xs:string as parameter, returns a 
xs:boolean, and says true() if string is a valid number, false() otherwise.

Something like

|<xsl:function name="f:isNumber" as="xs:boolean"> <xsl:param 
name="expression" as="xs:string"/> <xsl:sequence select="....."/> 
</xsl:function> |

|'1' -> true() '2' -> true() 'foo' -> false() 'bar' -> false() |

Rules to be a valid number are the same as those used in number() function.

Any help wil be much appreciated !



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