In the News

Subject: In the News
From: "Neal Pomea" <npomea@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 09:52:27 -0400
BT Patent Does Not Cover Hyperlinking, Judge Rules
By Brenda Sandburg,, The Recorder August 23, 2002

"A British Telecommunications Inc. patent issued prior to the advent
of the Internet does not cover hyperlinking, a federal judge in New
York ruled. British Telecom's infringement suit against Prodigy
Communications was closely watched by industry and intellectual
property lawyers because it will help establish whether older patents
can be broadly interpreted to cover Internet-related technology"

ISPs off the hook in swapping suit
By Lisa M. Bowman

"The Recording Industry Association of America has dropped a 

contentious lawsuit against major Internet service and network 

companies that sought their help in shutting down communications to a 

China-based music copying site."

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