Help with tracking a story

Subject: Help with tracking a story
From: Michael Lean <m.lean@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:01:10 +1000
G'day digital copyright-ers,
Does anyone remember a SF story - probably the 1960s - set in a world where
copyright inspectors walked around with listening devices strapped to their
bodies, and eavesdropped on conversations. If you were heard to use a
copyrighted word, the cash register went "ding" and the inspector put out
his hand for payment.
If anyone can recall this, I'd appreciate a source, as I want to use it in a
many thanks,

Michael M. Lean JP (Qual)
University Copyright Officer
Griffith University and Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia
  Phone 07 3864 4024 Fax 07 3864 1823

"There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing  as 
simply messing about in boats."
                         Kenneth Grahame -The Wind in the Willows  1910

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