electronic distribution of articles

Subject: electronic distribution of articles
From: Jennifer Brown <jbrown246@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 14:16:43 -0800 (PST)
I would like to find out current practices by
librarians and other faculty on the distribution of
electronic articles in the higher education

Your responses on your interpretations of copyright
law  / TEACH ACT and what you do at your institution
will be most appreciated...

1. If a licensed user of a library database sends an
email to the reference desk asking for a particular
article, and you find it full text in a database, do
you email it to this patron ? (because they are a
licensed user - and you can verify such).  

OR do you send the patron instructions on how to
access the article on their own?

2. If teaching faculty want to post a full text
article to a course management system for a limited
time for their class to read, is it enough to password
protect for all licensed users (a general
university-assigned login and password)? 

OR must access to this article be limited to _only_
the class members?  [TEACH ACT...]

3. How does this situation change if, in each above
situation it were a paper article scanned (by library
or by professor) into a PDF document? 

Thank you - I look forward to your responses and think
it will be worth exploring on-list.


Jennifer Brown
Outreach Services Librarian
William A. Egan Library
University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau

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