Copyright Question ...

Subject: Copyright Question ...
From: Norice Lee <nlee@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 10:36:29 -0700
I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but thought if anyone would be 
able to provide guidance it would be someone on this list!  Increasingly 
the following copyright question is being posed to me and I'm not quite 
sure how to respond ...

Graduate students are wanting to include lists of formulas, definitions, 
and glossaries, etc. from other published and unpublished sources (which 
would include info. retrieved from an electronic resource/database) in 
their theses or dissertations.  Of course they would give full, 
bibliographic citations, but they are wondering if they have to seek 
clearance from the rights holder prior to including the information in 
their thesis/dissertation?

We're here scratching our heads, as on the one hand, it seems that a full 
citation would be enough (given that it's for research/educational 
purposes), but on the other hand, what if it (or parts of it) are later 
published & become commercially available?  My instinct is telling me that 
it is a fair use (assuming that there are no licensing problems) especially 
if portions used are limited; BUT I'm wondering if perhaps they should go 
ahead & try to obtain clearance, documenting the attempt, if there's any 
doubt.  What do you all think????  Thanks so much for any guidance you can 
provide.  ~n.

Norice Lee, Department Head
University Library, Access Services
New Mexico State University
MSC 3475; P.O. Box 30006
Las Cruces, NM 88003-0006
Voice:  (505) 646-5091
Fax:  (505) 646-7477

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