In The News

Subject: In The News
From: "Olga Francois" <ofrancois@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 10:34:13 -0500

Experts to share views on copyright protection in digital era
By, 2004-03-15

"HONG KONG, March 15 (Xinhuanet) -- A symposium on the protection of
copyright in the digital era opened on Monday in Hong Kong."

Patently absurd: Canada's copyright law Drug firms enjoy rights here
others can only dream of
But top court to hear a challenge to Mulroney-era law
By KEVIN LIBIN, THE STAR, Mar. 15, 2004

"With the power cut to save money and the place as well-heated as a meat
locker, a walk through the empty, darkened hallways of Biolyse Pharma
Corp. feels like you've stumbled on to a ghost ship. Tucked away in a
sheltered valley, hidden from the busy highways that shoot through the
town of St. Catharines, the only sounds are the howl of a biting wind
and the roil of Twelve Mile Creek, which rushes just a few feet past the
old building."

United States: Drafting Electronic Software Licenses to Prevent Reverse
By Blaney Harper and Vaishali Udupa, Mondaq, 15 March 2004
(Registration Required)

"As in-house counsel for XYZ software company, you have been tasked with
protecting your client's most precious asset - its software code...."

P2P in the Legal Crosshairs

By Xeni Jardin,, Mar. 15, 2004,1412,62665,00.html/wn_ascii

"Is California's attorney general preparing a legislative assault on
peer-to-peer file sharing?.. A draft letter purportedly circulated by
Bill Lockyer to fellow state attorneys general characterizes P2P
software as a "dangerous product" and describes the failure of
technology makers to warn consumers of those dangers as a deceptive
trade practice."

PFF says effective copyright does not hurt innovation
March 15, 2004

"WASHINGTON-A new study by William F. Adkinson Jr., senior policy
counsel at the Progress & Freedom Foundation, encourages effective
digital copyright protection that does not harm innovation."

Oz copyright ruling: World Brief
By DON GROVES,,  Mar. 11, 2004
(Registration Required)

"The Australian High Court on Thursday confirmed the right of Oz
networks to show snippets of other webs' programs without infringing

Pirates of the European

By Waldemar Ingdah, 03/12/2004

"Intellectual property issues are among those most important to our
information society, but since they involve a complicated mix of
technology, economics and politics, they are not easy to explain or to

Feds hand out Webcasting rules
By Declan McCullagh, CNET, March 11, 2004

"The U.S. Copyright Office on Thursday released details about how
Webcasters will pay royalties to record labels. The rules say that
digital music services must compile and submit information such as the
artist name, album title, and how many times the recording was 
transmitted to listeners."

Legal P2P networks gaining ground
By John Borland, CNET, March 11, 2004

"While peer-to-peer piracy continues to grab the entertainment
industry's attention, a few technology companies are gaining headwind,
using almost identical means to distribute legal downloads."

Commercial Court earns praise in copyright cases
By Abdul Khalik, The Jakarta Post, March 16, 2004

"The Jakarta Commercial Court has earned the respect of the business
sector for clear-cut, appropriate rulings and the rapid processing of
copyright and trademark cases over the past three years."

    Center for Intellectual Property 2004 Annual Symposium
               Colleges, Code and Copyright:
      The impact of digital networks and technological 
         controls on copyright and the dissemination
              of information in higher education
           June 10-11, 2004 * Adelphi, Maryland

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