In The News

Subject: In The News
From: "Olga Francois" <ofrancois@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 16:26:04 -0500

James Boyle: A natural experiment
By James Boyle< Financial, November 22 2004

"Imagine a process of reviewing prescription drugs which goes like this:
representatives from the drug company come to the regulators and argue
that their drug works well and should be approved."

UA looks to adopt campus file-sharing network
By marissa Montenegro, , November 22, 2004

"With pending lawsuits by the Recording Industry Association of America
against six Penn students for downloading music illegally, the
Undergraduate Assembly is supporting the exploration of legal
alternatives for student access to a music file database."

Senate passes scaled-back copyright bill: Provision giving jail time to
song-swappers dropped
By, Nov. 22, 2004

"WASHINGTON - The Senate has voted to outlaw several favorite techniques
of people who illegally copy and distribute movies, but has dropped
other measures that could have led to jail time for Internet

Press Release: 
Adaptive Path Helps Move Copyright Permissions Into the 21st Century
November 18, 2004

"SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 18, 2004--With the launch of the
new Creative Commons Web site, Adaptive Path is proud to have played a
key role in what the San Jose Mercury News calls "the boldest experiment
yet in trying to catalyze support for copyrights compatible with the
digital reality of the 21st century." "

Lawmakers Slicing, Dicing Copyright Bill
By Brooks Boliek,,  Nov 18, 2004

"WASHINGTON (Hollywood Reporter) - After cobbling together a string of
copyright bills in the hopes of gaining enough support for final
passage, lawmakers are ripping the package asunder in a desperate effort
to push some of the provisions across the legislative finish line,
according to congressional and industry sources. "
Anti-P2P bill may slip past legislative rush
By Declan McCullagh, CNET November 18, 2004

"CHICAGO--A top government official predicted Thursday that a proposed
copyright law that has alarmed technology companies will not be enacted
in the last-minute legislative rush before the holidays."

Orwellian new Copyright Bill HR2391 would criminalize skipping
commercials, destroy Fair Use
By, November 23, 2004

"The United States Senate is about to pass a new copyright bill that
would turn everyday Americans into criminals. This report is not a joke:
it's about HR2391, the intellectual property protection act. Keep
reading to learn how your consumer rights are under intense attack, and
then forward this to your friends to help spread the word. Because if
this bill isn't stopped, you could technically be thrown in prison for
burning an audio CD and copying the files to your favorite MP3 player."

Scholars push for freedom from digital copyright restrictions
By Associated Press

"BANGOR, Maine &mdash; As academic and scholarly journals move toward
publishing in paperless formats, university professors are finding it
difficult to maneuver through copyright laws that restrict how their
work can be used."

Fighting file sharing: New law requires e-mail addresses
By PATRICK GIBLINBEE, , November 18, 2004

"File traders beware:
Gov. Schwarzenegger signed a new law that says anyone who trades
computerized music, movies or game files with 10 or more people a year
must attach their legitimate e-mail address to those files."

MPAA touts lawsuits, new P2P-fighting software
By John Borland, CNET, November 16, 2004

"The Motion Picture Association of America said Tuesday that it filed an
unspecified number of lawsuits against people who trade copyrighted
movies online, following through on plans announced earlier in the

CEA Concerned With Copyright Enforcement
Wednesday, November 17

"The Consumer Electronics Association expresses serious concern over
components of the Intellectual Property Protection Act."

From: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 11/18/04
The European Commission Working Party of data protection authorities has
released an opinion on the proposed retention of communication traffic
data. The Working Party concludes the proposal does not meet the
standard set by European Convention on Human Rights. Opinion at";

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