MPLC question

Subject: MPLC question
From: Marjorie Rathbone <rathbone@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 15:19:03 -0400
I found a link to the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation 
( )in a posting to this list and was wondering 
if anyone can share their experience with this company.  Here is the 
situation which prompts the question.  Part of our University's mission is 
social justice.  In accordance with that, we are having our freshman read 
the book Mountains Beyond Mountains and are doing associated programming on 
Haiti and the AIDS epidemic.  Part of that programming is a video series 
for faculty, students, and administrators in our campus theater - no 
outside publicity, charge, etc.  I understand from the perspective of 
copyright law that this is outside the narrowly-defined "face-to-face 
teaching activities" and we would need permissions to show commercially 
produced videos and DVDs in this case, thus my question as to the validity 
of using MPLC for an "umbrella license".   Thank you for any input.

Marjorie A. Rathbone
Associate Director for Resources Management
Saint Joseph's University Library
5600 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131

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