Re: question regarding fare use

Subject: Re: question regarding fare use
From: "Audra Oliver" <Audra.Oliver@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 16:52:09 -0400
Copyright list moderators - could you please post this for me?  Thank you.

>>> "Audra Oliver" <Audra.Oliver@xxxxxxxx> 05/04/06 10:26AM >>>
My institution is part of the US federal government. We operate a museum that
charges general admission. We want to produce a video CD that will run as
of an exhibit with a duration of 6 months.  The video will not be sold nor
will we charge an additional admission for the exhibit.

We wish to use 90 second or less clips of TV programs from the 1950s and
motion pictures from the 1960s.  Our legal council has recently become
concerned regarding fair use.  Does this fall under fair use?  Do we need to
seek permission for each clip or is this a courtesy rather than a legal

Audra Oliver,

Opinions expressed in this email are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect those of her employer (NARA) or the Federal Government.

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