In The News

Subject: In The News
From: "Olga Francois" <OFrancois@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 10:55:19 -0500

Australia: FAQ addresses copyright concerns
By Asher Moses, December 6, 2006

"The Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, today issued an FAQ clarifying the
practical implications of his major copyright reforms."

Canada: Classic docs sent back to the vault Copyright material too costly to
By VAL ROSS, Globe and Mail, 12/5/06

"You the taxpayer paid for Donald Brittain's The Champions, his National Film
Board of Canada trilogy exploring the careers of Pierre Trudeau and Reni
Livesque. But you can't see it -- because rights to much of the footage used
in this production have expired. "And it won't become available until the NFB
decides that it is worth its money to renew the cost of image clearances,"
says Samantha Hodder, executive director of the Documentary Organization of

Press Release: Internet Archive Helps Secure Exemption To The Digital
Millennium Copyright Act

"Thanks to the hard work of two great law school students of Peter Jaszi of
American University, Jieun Kim and Doug Agopsowicz, the Internet Archive and
other libraries may continue to preserve software and video game titles
without fear of going to jail. This is a happy moment, but on the other hand
this exception is so limited it leaves the overall draconian nature of the
DMCA in effect. A total of more than $50,000 of pro-bono lawyer time has been
spent to just affect this exemption and its continuation. We hope that
Congress, and other governments, will pass more balanced copyright laws to
allow at least libraries, archives, research and scholarship to flourish
without the current dark clouds of litigation."

Germany Still Seeking Balance In Copyright Policy
By Monika Ermert for Intellectual Property Watch, 4/12/2006

"A series of five recent hearings in the Justice Committee of the German
Parliament have revealed deep rifts over the second part of Germany's
copyright law reform."

Fox Exec Sees Solution to Copyright Issues
By Brian Morrissey, Ad Week, December 04, 2006

"NEW YORK Better filtering technology and revenue-sharing deals will head off
most litigation between content owners and video-sharing sites like YouTube,
predicted a Fox media executive"

Copyright in need of a global tuning: As the international economy changes,
it's more important than ever to ensure it pays to be creative.
By Andrew Gowers, The Sunday Times, December 03, 2006,,2095-2483382,00.html

"AS a former newspaper editor, I have found myself in an unfamiliar position
in the past week.
While the British press speculated about the content of my forthcoming review
of intellectual property, I have been required to stay mum rather than seeking
to market my story."

Copyright law still murky in tech era
By Mike Hughlett, Tribune, December 1, 2006,0,2425674.story?co

"It seems a no-brainer that copying a DVD movie and reselling it should be
illegal. But how about copying it to your iPod? Or, if you're a professor,
copying snippets of "Citizen Kane" to illustrate a point in your class?"

AMSTERDAM : Dutch postpone copyright levy for MP3 players
By Reuters, Nov 29, 2006

"A Dutch industry group postponed levying a copyright tax on digital music
players and hard-disk video recorders, saying on Wednesday it would wait for
the European Commission to first make a recommendation."

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