Subject: [stella] Another 2600 game idea From: combee@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Ben Combee) Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 09:42:50 -0500 (CDT) |
Well, driving to work this morning provoked another idea for a 2600 game, one that I had not seen implemented on the platform yet. This game would be an adaptation of the mine cart sequence in Super Mario RPG for the Super NES. You'd have a character in a cart that stays near one edge of the screen like in Moon Patrol. Using playfield graphics, you'd have four or five levels of platform, with higher platforms disappearing sometimes. Your controls would let you slow down, speed up, or jump, and a jump would be sufficient to get from one level to the next highest. Periodically, groups of 1, 2, or 3 coins would appear floating over a platform such that you would have to be on the platform and jump to grab them. Coins from higher platforms would be worth more points as they would be easier to grab. Occasionally, there would also be blocks on a platform such that hitting one would derail your cart. There could also be holes in the bottommost platform through which falling would be bad. If you used playfield graphics for the platforms, a player for the cart and occupant, a duplicated player for the coins and blocks, and maybe a missile to add color to something, I think this wouldn't be too hard to implement. This might even work as a two player game, using a split screen like in Sonic 2 on the Genesis. This could be a timed game, like Freeway. Anyone have any thoughts on this... I might try this as my first 2600 project, if I ever get the time to work on it. -- Benjamin L. Combee (combee@xxxxxxxxxxxx) <URL:> ...if the highlight of your day is prowling through signatures looking for pithy quotes or neat phrases, then consider a career with the IRS or NSA... -- Archives updated once/day at Unsubscribing and other info at
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