Re: [stella] How to detect that joystick button is pressed

Subject: Re: [stella] How to detect that joystick button is pressed
From: Jim Nitchals <jimn8@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 04:24:52 -0800 (PST)
>     LDA INPT4    ; It always returns
>     BNE NoButton ; the same value !!

It doesn't.  Only the most significant bit of the port is used.  All
other data bits are undefined, so with the Stella 0.7 emulator for
example, INPT4 will return either $7F or $FF.

What you want is:
      LDA INPT4
      BMI NoButton


*****NOTE: please cc: all email to jimn8@xxxxxxxxx until Netcom fixes
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