Re: RE: [stella] a $16 question...

Subject: Re: RE: [stella] a $16 question...
From: Chris Wilkson <cwilkson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 08:08:51 -0800 (PST)
> >Reply to your message of 2/3/98 8:37 AM
> >In my earlier post, I mentioned that I can get *new* 2732 circuit boards made
> >for about $1.50.  I can design the board in a couple of hours and have protos
> >(lower quantiy = higher price) in 2 days.  
> Wish I would have known that last year! :)

Sorry Bob...converting old carts really sucks.  Been there, done that.
But if you need any boards, you know where to go!  :)


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