Re: [stella] Randy Crihfield's address

Subject: Re: [stella] Randy Crihfield's address
From: Ruffin Bailey <rufbo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 May 98 01:03:32 -0500
>The consumer is not weighing the merits of a $20 Gameboy game vs. the VCS
>when thinking about a 2600 game purchase.  People buy 2600 games because
>they specifically want to play a 2600 game.  Therefore, the 2600 market
>does not compete directly with any other market.  Any new 2600 game
>competes only with comparable new games, and there isn't much competition 
>at all which means any new 2600 game can be assured of a certain amount
>of sales within its niche.

Having been forced to take Honors Economics in College *groan*, I'm going 
to have to refute this one.  First of all, where there are finite funds, 
any and all expenditures have an influence on any other potential 
purchases.  Gameboy games and 2600 games are no exceptions.  If I do buy 
GB Donkey Kong (or perhaps something more pressing like Jag Battlesphere 
or that 3D accel card Matt's getting me so danged jealous of), I'm not 
going to have the dough for Edtris and Oystron (both carts I'd like to 
have).  And if Quake 2 comes out for the Mac before I get money saved up, 
Oist and Ed will get pushed back even further!

I'd love to have an Oystron cart, but since I've got it on my emu, 
there's no rush (sorry, Piero.  It _is_ pretty high on my list, 
however!).  Battlesphere, Civ 2, and even a rigged up circuit for the now 
non-functioning brake lights on my Jeep all come first.  All of these vie 
for the money that might support my share of the Atari 2600 cart market!  
;)  And yes, I'd probably buy the cart from Randy before Telegames or the 
like.  Not only do I pay less, I also encourage the homebrew 
"infrastructure" much more directly.

Which of course begs the question that Randy brought up earlier and that 
I've been struggling with:  Shouldn't we be more protective of our .bins? 
 With every attachment on the list going up on the net, isn't this going 
to hurt sales?  Edtris demand is still high lo these many years later, 
but will Oystron keep pace?

My hope is that the people on this list are somewhere between freeware 
and shareware developers, less worried about the economics of their 2600 
games than enjoying their creation and sharing the games with others.  
That said, I know I'm going to release a different version of [...the 
seemingly mythical game of almost pipe-dream proportions...] JW on cart 
that I do to the list!  ;)

Thanks for reading my two cents!

Ruffin Bailey
rufbo at

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