Re: [stella] Demo...

Subject: Re: [stella] Demo...
From: <kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 09:34:54 +0200
On Fri May 22 22:54:07 1998, Christopher Salomon wrote a great demo...

>A first demo of a ???game???!

Wow, cute! It's interactive, the playfield is single-scanline and
multi-colored, and the player is single-scanline and multi-colored. Now
there's only missing some gameplay...
It reminds me a little bit of "Donkey Kong". Still, it's looking much
better than the official 2600 port, even now...
Only the PAL colors don't come that good.

>Naah, not yet.

But nearly...

>I have not a kernel yet, I'm just fooling around with stuff!

What, you don't have a kernel? If you don't have a kernel in here, the
official DK port never had one...

>section 1/1   file   [ Wincode 2.7.3 ]
>sum -r/size 45994/702
>section 1/1   file   [ Wincode 2.7.3 ]


With love (and best wishes for this becoming an actual game...)
Kurt Woloch

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