Re: [stella] Ship Version 1.501

Subject: Re: [stella] Ship Version 1.501
From: Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux <veilleux@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 16:45:56 -0400
kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Thank you all for your input on my last "un-numbered" Ship version.
> OK, this is yet another version of my ship demo, and, yes it's got a
> version number.
> No big improvements, but fed by the input I got today:
> 1. Better sounding music (for Glenn, and of course for Jim)
> 2. Piero's new kernal with water surface flashing routine
> 3. Gradually fading shadow of the ship
> 4. Improved colors - I didn't read the 2600 documentation carefully. I
> learned now that the lum values range from 0 to E, leaving out Bit 0,
> not 0 to 7 leaving out Bit 3.
> You can read the full credits in the source code.
> With love (and still many things to learn and improve)
> Kurt Woloch

Cool... This version is really neat ! The music sounds way better, and the
fading shadow is great too. You've worked real had on that one :) Now you need
to implement the actual gameplay, which should not be a trivial task ;)

Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux (Coordonator of Digital Meltdown)
veilleux@xxxxxxxxx (
ICQ ID : 8604827
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