Re: [stella] A7800

Subject: Re: [stella] A7800
From: Teknovore <tek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 05:55:31 -0500
On Tue, Dec 08, 1998 at 12:07:59AM -0600, Russ Perry Jr wrote:
> But are we taking the wrong tack?  This number is the product of two PRIMES,
> correct?  Knowing that, might it be easier/faster to find or make a list of
> prime numbers up to the length of the product and multiply all possibilities
> until the product is found?  Or is this as time-consuming as trying to factor
> the number?

This may be quite time consuming.

> It strikes me that these primes should be known quantities, as once discovered,
> you wouldn't necessarily want to waste time to find them again, so there MUST
> be a list of all known primes somewhere -- I mean, the Guinness Book of World
> Records has a record for highest known prime number, correct?

It is _way_ easier to write a program to generate prime numbers of
a large nature than it would be to punch in the large primes from an
outside source.

> So, if I'm way off, what am I missing, and if not, who knows where to find
> those primes?

Read Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming. It has some
good prime finding algorithms within.

 |/|  Teknovore <tek@xxxxxxx>

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