Re: [stella] What is at $029c and $029d?

Subject: Re: [stella] What is at $029c and $029d?
From: bwmott@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:36:31 -0500 (EST)
> Dan was nice enough to send me a partly commented copy of the disassembled
> SC-BIOS. Currently I'm trying to find out what the rest of the code does,
> but there is something I don't understand. In the SC-BIOS there are read
> accesses to $029c and read and write accesses to $029d. $029c seems to
> work similar to INTIM, but I have no idea what $029d is for. Are they
> undocumented RIOT ports or would it be possible, that the SC maps some
> of its ports there? Does anyone have an idea?

As I recall there are several "copies" of the registers that end up 
doing the same thing on the 2600.  Here's the information from a data
sheet on the RIOT:

OPERATION              RS'  RW   A4   A3   A2   A1   A0
Write RAM               0    0    -    -    -    -    -
Read RAM                0    1    -    -    -    -    -
Write DDRA              1    0    -    -    0    0    1
Read DDRA               1    1    -    -    0    0    1
Write DDRB              1    0    -    -    0    1    1
Read DDRB               1    1    -    -    0    1    1
Write Output Reg A      1    0    -    -    0    0    0
Read Ouput Reg A        1    1    -    -    0    0    0
Write Output Reg B      1    0    -    -    0    1    0
Read Ouput Reg B        1    1    -    -    0    1    0
Write Timer 1T          1    0    1   (a)   1    0    0
Write Timer 8T          1    0    1   (a)   1    0    1
Write Timer 64T         1    0    1   (a)   1    1    0
Write Timer 1024T       1    0    1   (a)   1    1    1
Read Timer              1    1    -   (a)   1    -    0
Read Interrupt Flag     1    1    -    -    1    -    1
Write Edge Detect Ctrl  1    0    0    -    1   (b)  (c)


  -  = Don't Care
 (a) = 0 to disable interrupt from timer to IRQ'
     = 1 to enable interrupt from timer to IRQ'
 (b) = 0 to disable interrupt from PA7 to IRQ'
     = 1 to enable interrupt from PA7 to IRQ'
 (c) = 0 for negative edge-detect
     = 1 for positive edge-detect

Bradford W. Mott (bwmott@xxxxxxx)          Computer Science Department           North Carolina State University

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