id W4LQ6A60; Sun, 28 Feb 1999 21:45:13 -0800
Message-Id: <937146791870.PWC61166@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
X-Mailer: Allaire Cold Fusion 3.0
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 21:45:13 P
To: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: "Teddy Brown" <tbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Elite Gaming Network
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi, my name is Teddy Brown
I was visiting a site just a couple of days ago and came up with a
pretty good gaming network site that you maybe interested in.
Your email was sent to me from a friend of mine saying you maybe
interested in. Anyway, it's a pretty new site with lots of features.
Well that's what they sayed. I heard that they host private clan
forums, but I'm not sure. They do have lots of public forums, reviews
demos, games, trainers, cheats, walk-throughs, books and a couple
more stuff. I recommend this site to you and hope you will recommend
it to others.
Elite Gaming Network
PS It's a pretty good site! Just a bit low on the # of reviews. =)
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