Re: [stella] What's up with me, and The Core

Subject: Re: [stella] What's up with me, and The Core
From: jeffgamer@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Jeff Rothkopf)
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 00:00:43 -0500
Hey, gang...!

Glenn made mention of "The Core" in his message below, and it brought up
the question in my mind.  Did anybody ever receive a copy of it?  Has Paul
gone silent in e-mail responding with you, too?  Does anybody have a
working phone number for him?  If everybody else did not receive The Core
from him who advance paid, is there any hint that anybody's thinking of
pressing legal arenas for remuneration?

Thanks for the feedback...


>At 11:26 PM 6/30/99 -0500, Glenn Saunders wrote:
>>What do you all think?
>I think keeping the code to yourself in the final stages may be harmful to
>the final gameplay.
>I think that Eric Bacher could have gotten a lot more feedback from
>playtesting and having others look at his code that could have made
>Alfred's Challenge a better game, but he preferred to keep it close to the
>vest.  We also know how The Core appeared out of nowhere and what became of
>it.  Although we really aren't a single "developer house", I think
>establishing a standard for development where source and BINs are shared
>with list members and then the game is sent off to Randy to be distributed
>it a winning formula.
>Piero practically made Oystron a group project on Stellalist, which I feel
>was the key to its success.  Bins from the beginning all the way to the
>final revision were shared with list members.  Many of the best
>enhancements to Oystron, the spit and polish, came in the final few months
>of playtesting and when Jim and others took his code and reoptimized it
>which allowed Piero to add a feature or a graphical flourish.  TPS also had
>a good amount of user feedback.  I know I'd still like to see enhancements
>made to INV, BTW.
>So I would actually suggest, if you don't want to share the final BIN with
>everyone on this public list (web accessible) then you may want to at least
>assign some private game testers who can help you tune the gameplay before
>you commit to the final release.

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