[stella] DASM question

Subject: [stella] DASM question
From: Gene Johannsen <gej@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 18:47:58 -0700

I'm writing code to copy a chunk of ROM into RAM.  I'm not sure yet how
big the chunk will be, so I'm trying to make dasm compute the size of
the chunk and reserve the memory, like this:

 SEG.U ram
 ORG $80

ramchunk ds [endchunk - startchunk + 1]
variable ds 1   ;   These two lines will give me
value    ds 1   ;   Label Mismatch errors


 SEG code
 ORG $F000

        LDX #[endchunk - startchunk]
        LDA chunk,X
        STA ramchunk,X
        BPL copyloop


        .byte 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...

I get Label Mismatch errors on lines that obviously do work.  I get no
error on the line with the expression on it.

Can anyone help?


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