Subject: [stella] using a real 2600, a learning experience ;) From: Rob <kudla@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 00:04:59 -0500 |
Well, a coworker came through and gave me her old Atari 2600 which had been sitting in her mom's basement getting damp. It works great (well, as great as you can get when you're sending your signal out over RF ;) ) and I finally got to try out some of my recent 2600 projects on the real thing. Prognosis: 50/50. Obviously I have to get another Supercharger now for development purposes (if the New Brain 2 disc wasn't reason enough.) Pac-Man Hack: Works fine. Played with a joystick on a real 2600 on a 25" TV with the sound going through my stereo, I think this may be my favorite pre-crash home version of Pac-Man, even if it was 15 years too late. :) Naturally I can think of about 20 more things in it I would 'fix', but we won't talk about my filthy acts of illegal hacking here ;) Space Invaders Hack: Here the problems started to creep in - the "missile launcher" part of the player, 1 pixel wide, is too narrow to see easily and my choice of green (which looked arcade-perfect in the emulators) is kind of bluish on TV. The shots seem pretty dark but they very well may have been in the original too, it's been almost 20 years for me. Boing 2600: Eckhard was right, I get nausea just from looking at this thing on a real TV. It's like one of those scrambled pr0n channels. Note to self: Test these things on a real 2600 before releasing them! (Luckily this is the version from before I joined the stella-list; I would imagine more recent versions are working better since I haven't heard a peep out of anyone and at least two folks are apparently making carts of it.) Oddly enough my cheezy pseudo-4-channel music sounds better (albeit just as cheezy) through the TV. Maybe there's some kind of low-pass filter thing happening that I don't understand. I haven't been able to test my playfield demos or my "still too embarassing to post but it's going to be a Jumpman clone" yet. So gets a check in the mail tomorrow for a Supercharger and I can at least go to bed satisfied with one of my hacks ;) Rob kudla@xxxxxxxxx ... ... Rob -- Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at
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