[stella] Thrust incompatibility? (Possibly illegal opcodes)

Subject: [stella] Thrust incompatibility? (Possibly illegal opcodes)
From: Mark De Smet <de-smet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 23:51:58 -0600 (CST)
I recently got my working copy of thrust from hozer and was troubled that
it didn't work.  After a little thought, I realised that it may be a
compatability issue.  So I dug into my closet, and pulled out all my VCS

Here's what I found:

Maker   Model                   Functionality
-----   ---------------------   ----------------------------
Atari   2600 (6 switch)         OK
Atari   2600A (4 switch)        OK
Atari   2600jr (big rainbow)    OK
Sears   2600 (6 switch)         OK
Sears   video arcade 2 (2800)   Ship is constantly thrusting
Coleco  Gemini                  Breaks in playfield
Coleco  Coleco with expansion   Breaks in playfield

I am most puzzled by the sears video arcade 2 not working, because I
thought the sears models were produced by atari and just rebranded.

Thomas, do you know what could happen to cause the above problems?  Can it
be linked to an illegal opcode?

Everyone, has anyone else seen similar problems?  Has anyone done
experiments or written other programs useing such opcodes on various
compatables?  Does anyone have a 1-chip jr that they could try?


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