Re: [stella] Home Vision repro cart

Subject: Re: [stella] Home Vision repro cart
From: Russ Perry Jr <slapdash@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 15:39:27 -0500
At 7:09 PM +0200 7/1/01, Piero Cavina wrote:
>Hi! I will pick up a number of these items (both the repro-cart and the carts themselves) from a local shop that is going out of business and is clearing its warehouse.

Interesting find...  I might like some of the carts please!

>I can't find much information on the repro-cart, does anybody know what it is exactly? A ram cart? Some kind of eprom-programmer?

I think it's a RAM cart, since IIRC it uses a battery and it predates cheap
enough EEPROMs.

>Obviously I'll learn everything in a few days when I'll have them in my hands, but I'm really curious at the moment :-)

If you want to research the web, they were sold here as the Vidco Copy Cart.
Oddly, I don't have the Vidco version in my collection, but I DO have the
Homevision one.

>PS: most likely I will have some for trade ..

Trade...  Er...  Dang...  I've got crap for trade fodder...
||  Russ Perry Jr   2175 S Tonne Dr #114   Arlington Hts IL 60005  ||
||  847-952-9729    slapdash@xxxxxxxxxxxx    VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR!  ||

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