Nice. A poll. Well here are my current 2600 related projects.
2600 Studio - an editor and host of tools designed specifically for 2600
programmers. It may end up being changed to the AI Studio and having
loadable configurations to support future development systems. Still early
in development.
AI Classic - A portable video game system compatible with the Atari 2600.
This is on indefinate hold while I figure out how to do it. I have alot
down on paper, but need to get together some plans from which to get it
manufactuered and then get it manufactuered. This may happen, it may not.
It mostly depends on whether I can find the people to make the schematics
for it. I was trying to work with Ben (the VCSp guy), but he hasn't mailed
me back in awhile and doesn't seem interested in working with me on it.
I've also tried K. Horton but I've gotten no response from him yet.
Duel of Dragon and Tiger - This is going to be my first attempt at a 2600
title. It is a fighting game somewhere between the arcade classic Gladiator
and the recent hit film Couching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It will be one or
two player and feature the ability to change martial arts styles on the fly.
It should be far better than what Atari gamers have had in the past, but
it is still a long way off. I am shooting for a late October or
Early-November release, but this is my first bit of 2600 programming, so who
really knows when it will get finished.
NTSC/PAL Auto Detection code - As part of developing DoDaT I was irritated
by the idea that a gamer in the UK wouldn't be able to play my game out of
the box (yes it will come in a nice plastic case like Genesis/Mega Drive
titles did). They would have to select their format with a console switch
during the intro screens. I hated that idea because as a gamer I wouldn't
want to do it myself. The answer was some sort of auto detection code.
It's been a struggle but its coming along nicely thanks to some help from
Eckard's(I know I spelled that wrong, sorry) post about Kool-Aide Man. If
everything works out I will post it to the list as a free resource for
anyone to cut and paste into their games and also post it on the Afterlife
website (afterlife.100megsfree4.com) for future downloads by anyone
The Last Just Cause - If a deal can be struck I will likely make an attempt
at an RPG game based on a recently written text adventure called The Last
Just Cause. I have been talking with the author and he is interested in the
idea of a 2600 version, but hasn't said yes or no to it yet. If it works
out it will be in testing by New Years, but this like everything else is
dependent on to many factors for me to make any promises now. Wish me luck.
Blank Cartrdige Depot - On the Afterlife website I am setting up a BLank
Cartridge Depot to support the homebrew community. If I ever get it
finished it will allow homebrew authors to buy all the parts the would need
to make their own carts be they 4K, 8K, or 32K monsters like Fatal Run.
These parts will all be newly manufactures goodies (except the chips which I
can't find a manufacturer to make yet). No cannablized bit and pieces here
just fresh new goodies. I hope in the future to add parts for more than
2600 carts as well. Perhaps Jaguar, Lynx, and Vectrex. These howver, will
all depend on the sucess of the first few attempts.
Developer Aid Center - Also something for the Afterlife website. This will
feature a series of tutorials, code bits, and links that try to explain
enough of the basics of 2600 programming to get anyone going on a 2600
I guess that about covers it, so if anyone has any questions or can offer
any sassistance on any of these let me know; I need all the help I can get.
Now, as you can see that I am very busy so I must get going. I've got to
call my contact and make arrangements to see his 25320 chips and see if they
are 2532 chips. Does anyone have a picture of a 2532 chip? I don't know
what they look like exactly and don't care to get screwed for a big chunk of
money ordering some useless chip. Help apperciated. Later.
Christopher Rydberg
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