Finally there is lots of action on the list again! :)
I just wanted to write a quick note to wrap up SCSIcide.. The 50 carts I
made for the CGE2K1 special edition released at CGE ( went
almost instantly. It was really amazing to get such a response from people
- it definetely made working on the project worthwhile. Lots of people
played the game at the SC3 party on Friday night and I got some great
comments from people.. I'm really glad people like it and think it's fun..
Still, after seeing QB, I feel SCSIcide is quite inferior.. :)
I put up a scan of the manual that comes with the game, along with another
screenshot at
For those that are interested, I'll be making a few more carts with the
leftover components I have.. If you want to be on my "waiting list", just
send me an e-mail.. I still owe some carts to some people (you know who you
are) and you will get them when I make the next run.. After I use up all my
parts, I'll be giving the .BIN to Hozer to do production from then on..
Anyway, thanks to everyone on the Stella list who helped me out through
this project.. I had a lot of fun! We'll see what odd project pops into my
head next..
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