Re: [stella] Poker solitaire source, versions 012 & 014

Subject: Re: [stella] Poker solitaire source, versions 012 & 014
From: "Roger Williams" <mer02@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 18:47:06 -0800
> I considered forcing the player to sit through at least 200 frames of
> but (a) that's a fairly long wait, and (b) the random number generator
> really all that random, and it gets seeded to the same value on every
> So if you were forced to wait 200 frames, you could just hold down the
> button and wait 200 frames, and you'd get the same hand every time!
> Possible solutions to this:

1. Do the first 200 shuffles _outside_ of the screen loop, all at once.
Nobody will notice that it takes a few frames before you start up
the kernal.  This gets you a quick init to a relatively scrambled state.

2. Shuffle at the normal rate until the button has been _released_ for
at least 40-50 frames.

3. Continue shuffling until the button has been _pressed_ for at least
10 frames (debounce).

4. Don't ever reset the RNG once power is applied.  Let it cycle
continuously or keep the last state from the previous game.  (Cycle
continuously is better, it's how slot machines work.)

This will allow your quick-draw artists to get only approximate
control of only the first game after a powerup.  And you don't
need a title screen, the shuffle is already waaaaay kewl.

--Roger Williams

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