Re: [stella] VDEL...

Subject: Re: [stella] VDEL...
From: Erik Mooney <erik@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 10:52:47 -0500
>Hi there!
>I'm just thinking about something and how it would work...
>Assuming I have a 2LK and activate VDEL for both players.
>Then I'd do something like this:
>LDA data
>LDA otherdata
>Line 1: Do something
>Line 2:
>STA GRP0 (random value)
>STA GRP1 (random value)
>Do something
>LDA data
>LDA otherdata
>Loop to Line 1
>As you see, my intention is to very quickly 
>display the pre-loaded data at the beginning
>of the scannline, then having way more time
>to preload again.

If I'm reading this right, what will happen is that
on iterations of Line 1 after the first, you'll get
the random values displayed.

But, what if you move the random value stores
to the beginning of Line 1?  Then I think it
would work as you are envisioning.  At the
beginning of Line 1, the pre-loaded values
get moved to the display registers very quickly.
They stay there through Line 1 and Line 2...
until you write the next set of real values to
Line 2, at which point the random values
get moved to the display registers.

Hmm, maybe not.  No matter how you do
things, the random values will eventually
get moved to the display registers.  To
prevent those from ever getting displayed,
you have to time your real data writes at the
proper time, which you may as well do
normally without any VDEL.

>VDEL must be the most useless thing ever put inside a chip... :-)

Remember the Golden Rule of the TIA: It was designed
to play Combat, nothing more, nothing less :)

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