Re: [stella] Revolutionary Horizontal positioning 2

Subject: Re: [stella] Revolutionary Horizontal positioning 2
From: "Eric Ball" <ericball@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 21:46:21 -0500
I've been playing around with your routine, and have the following
1. There's an implied CLC or equivalent before the first STA WSYNC.
2. This would be an ideal routine for positioning 48 bit sprites as well.

From: "Manuel Polik" <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
> Hi Eric!
> > Let me make sure I understand this.  The routine
> > positions a single 16 bit sprite (P0 left, P1 right?)
> > rather than 2 independent 8 bit sprites.
> Yes, exactly.
> > Very neat if you are using 16 bit sprites.
> It's dead quick and short, so one can use it even for
> midscreen repositionings. You only lose a few pixels
> left and right, so you don't have the full 160 pixel
> range.

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