[stella] The mother of all bankswitching trickery :-)

Subject: [stella] The mother of all bankswitching trickery :-)
From: Manuel Polik <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 16:49:23 +0100
Hi there!

While I'm just disassembling A-Team, I first thought it 
was weird that so much code was uncovered by distella. 
Further investigation revealed this interesting snippet:

       LDA    #$69    ;2
       STA    $8B     ;3
       LDA    #$F6    ;2
       STA    $8C     ;3
       LDA    #$AD    ;2
       STA    $87     ;3
       LDA    #$F9    ;2
       STA    $88     ;3
       LDA    #$FF    ;2
       STA    $89     ;3
       LDA    #$4C    ;2
       STA    $8A     ;3
       JMP.w  $0087   ;3

Well apart from finally proving that there is games in 
the original library toying with self-modifying code, it 
reveals another mystery. The code that is executed in 
the RAM reads:

JMP $F669


I wonder why they did it that way, any ideas?


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