Re: [stella] Seeking ROM dumper info

Subject: Re: [stella] Seeking ROM dumper info
From: "Eric Ball" <ericball@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 20:11:10 -0500
There was a website for a "Project Velma" (Scooby Doo reference) which
alledged to be able to dump almost any cart without disassembling the cart
itself.  Check Google's cache.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eckhard Stolberg" <Eckhard_Stolberg@xxxxxx>
To: <stella@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [stella] Seeking ROM dumper info

> Hello Adam,
> > Looking for info on how to build a ROM dumper.  Electronics are no
> > big deal (I'm BS, CPE/EE), but I'm a little fuzzy on how to autodetect
> > the cart size and banking scheme.  Is this a problem which has been
> > beaten to death, or is there room for a better mouse trap?
> At my site you can find
> information on how to turn a 7800 console into a cartridge reader
> for 2600 and 7800 games. It can autodetect almost all catridge
> types. Source code is included, if you want to find out how the
> autodetection works.
> Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg
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