Subject: Re: [stella] How Not To Write A Programming Book From: "Mark Graybill" <saundby@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 11:18:24 -0700 |
Hehe, enjoyed the post, Chris. Thanks for confirming my feelings on this book. I picked it up years ago and scratched my head over it then. I'd already learned most of what I needed to know about 6502 ML using KIM-1 docs and a Pet computer, but I tend to accumulate books. This and a some other Compute books seemed to take the approach of picking parts of a subject that the readers shouldn't bother themselves about, presumably under the theory that if they were choosing to read a Compute book on the subject then they couldn't be serious enough to really dig in on the subject. ML is a difficult subject to do a "light" treatment of. And it's a subject about which it's always dangerous to apply casual characterizations like 'bug' and 'unnecessary'. -Mark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at
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