Subject: Aw: Re: Aw: [stella] kernals for 48 pixel titles From: cybergoth@xxxxxxxx Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 15:11:06 +0200 (CEST) |
Hi there! > The Dig only has Eckhard Stolberg's... > I thought maybe it was overkill Yup. > Since Robin Habron got it independtly, I had a secret hope that it wasn't > as hard as it looked... > That one is buggy. Try the one from Starmaster: -------------------------------- DisplayMACC: LDA #$06 STA Temp2 STA $A4 .contCopyright: STA WSYNC LDA #$01 STA VDELP0 STA VDELP1 LDX #10 .wait: DEX BPL .wait LDA $00 ;3 just wait 3 cycles .loopDisplay: LDY Temp2 LDA (ShapePtr+10),Y STA $0188 ; = Temp LDA (ShapePtr+8),Y TAX LDA (ShapePtr),Y STA GRP0 LDA (ShapePtr+2),Y STA GRP1 LDA (ShapePtr+4),Y STA GRP0 LDA (ShapePtr+6),Y LDY Temp STA GRP1 STX GRP0 STY GRP1 STA GRP0 DEC Temp2 DEC $A4 BPL .loopDisplay LDA #$00 STA GRP0 STA GRP1 STA GRP0 STA GRP1 STA VDELP0 STA VDELP1 RTS -------------------------------- Greetings, Manuel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at
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