[stella] Horizontal movement routine in Donkey Kong and Space Jockey

Subject: [stella] Horizontal movement routine in Donkey Kong and Space Jockey
From: Dennis Debro <ddebro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 15:52:36 -0500
Hi all,

I started disassembling DK again.

While disassembling I see that Garry is using a similar horizontal position routine that Manuel found in Battlezone! I also saw the same routine in Garry's first game Space Jockey.

LF5A4: STA    WSYNC   ;3
       SEC            ;2
LF5A7: SBC    #$0F    ;2
       BCS    LF5A7   ;2
       EOR    #$0F    ;2
       ASL            ;2
       ASL            ;2
       ASL            ;2
       ASL            ;2
       ADC    #$90    ;2
       STA    RESP0,X ;4
       STA    WSYNC   ;3
       STA    HMP0,X  ;4

Now I wonder if Garry came up with this routine. He says he programmed Space Jockey by disassembling some Activision games. So far (to my knowledge) none of the disassembled Activision games use this routine.

Anyway, I thought it was interesting so I thought I'd pass it on.

Take care,

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